Monday, May 11, 2009

It's not gambling, we call it living..

Today has been good...a good Monday! :) By the way, who gave Mondays such a bad name...? Lot's of good stuff happen on Mondays, we just tend to forget that and only remember the Sundays.

Anyways, today was the stop -waiting and whishing - start - doing - day. I received an e-mail saying that I didn't get the job I was hoping for in Sydney. I saw that one coming, so no what did I do..I went home and booket a plane for all those who didn't believe that I was actually leaving..Ha! August 12 is the big day...still no place to live and no job, but it's all good, I'm working on that. I'll be a regular at Gumtree and SEEK in no time...:P

Songs to listen to on a Monday:

The Beautiful girls: Surf Session-Periscopes

The Beautiful girls: Dela

The Shins: New Slang

Vampire Weekend: Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

G.Love & Special Sauce: Love

Haley Sales: Keep Drivin'

Ziggy Marley: Dragonfly

Damien Rice: Canonball

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