Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Inventory control

Hung over's 11pm an the head ace is still present, pounding on my for head. It's nothing like a good head ace to remind you how great the night before was..or in some cases how bad it was an so not worth the torturing pain you're left with today..
And no matter how many times you tell yourself that you're never going to drink that much again, you know it's a lie..oh how fast we forget the pain, and how hard it hits when we are reminded yet again.

Watched the last part of 'Revolutionary Road' today, with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It's such a great movie, because it portraits what so many of us are so scared of - being just mediocre, giving up the dream..the fear of not living.

There's this quote, by Leonardo's character Frank, that stuck with me;

"Knowing what you've got, knowing what you need, knowing what you can live without
- that's inventory control."

Is that the key to it all? That's one lucky person who has those answers. The inventory control of myself could definitely be better.

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