and yes..Michael Moore is a genius. May he inspire many many more. To all those studying journalism, be real... I'm not sure the world can cope with much more bullshit. And man, there's a lot of bullshit out there. Most of it we believe without even questioning it..why should we..when the prime minister says it is so, it has to be true, right? My friend, that is nothing but f***** bullshit.
I'm 24 years old and from the age of being able to understand the news I've closed my eyes..yeah, there are kids dying every second in Africa, Bush(thank God he's gone..but what's mister Obama going to do?) is bombing Afghanistan and China are catching up with the western world in record time. But hey, the politicians keep insuring us that they are doing the best they can..must be true..not much I can do, so I'll let them go on doing their thing, catching the terrorists (and everyone else that might look suspicious)that are supposedly threatening the nations security...
Thing is, we don't know..we just don't know..I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent human being, but I'm just as clueless as the next person. The Israel/Palestine issue has been going on for years..only a few days ago did I sit down and read about it, fully understanding the madness it is, and the lies that are fed to us through the media. Shame on me.
It's important to know what you do know, but more important is it to be aware of the fact that there's a whole lot you don't know..shit loads actually.
I'm now reading John Pilgers book "freedom next time". I finished "Twilight" in two days...not this one..I have to take brakes..a lot of's just not a fun book to read. Why? Because it's a book of's real..that's the real world for ya.
I'm not saying we should all turn into pessimists looking at all the terrible and devastating things that go on without us knowing...we don't know enough to be pessimists either.
I'm just, see, seek, learn, and then go tell a friend.
Og hvem fan bryr seg hvem Tone Damli Aaberge er sammen med.....
"Good Excuse"
All around I see raining
Things don't seem to go my way
Got a dark cloud that's hanging
And it seems to follow me
Oh boy won't you just wake up
feel the humming
This good world is giving you
better start running
to catch up with your life, catch on up
Before the whole thing is through
Have you once?Have you twice?
Have you even conceived how
Really good boy you do got it
Go take another better look around
You are just another white boy
Thinking you're so hard
Go take step outside see what's shaking in the real world
Go take a step outside see what's shaking in the real world
Go take a step outside see what's shaking in the real world
But you don't know
how my heart laments
I really got a good excuse to complain
My parents got divorced
Can't heal the pain
And now there is only cheap regrets
I guess thats just the way it be
Is it the world or how I see me
Boy now you are really, really bugging
Yes you are bugging me,
can you just shut right up
Your cup is overflowing, overflowing
And you think it is empty
You don't even know what side
you are fighting for
Boy won't you turn your game boy off
Stop pretending it's you against the world
I am sick and I am tried of hearing
you always say
I really got a good excuse to complain
My parents got divorced
Can't heal the pain
Go take a step outside see what's shaking in the real world
John Butler Trio
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