Monday, December 28, 2009

The Christmas Crashers..

What do you do when your own family is on the other side of the world at Christmas.. pretend you're a part of someone elses family..also called Christmas crashing.
Both Christmas day and Boxing day(can someone please tell me why we call it boxing day?? No one seems to know..) were spent at a friend of a friend and family of a food(lots!), free drinks, and good company.. even a bit of karaoke in Chinese..what more can you ask for ;)

However I do want my next Christmas to be home with my own family and friends..
Jeg savner dere!

I'm off to the Beach

Friday, December 25, 2009

Itchy fingers and random thoughts..

First of all..Merry Christmas!! I looked at the date of my last blog entry's now Christmas Day and I'm finally sitting down with my laptop and a surf movie (makes me relax) trying to type a few words..I had all these thoughts that sounded great and very clever in my head earlier today...I said to myself that today is the day when I get back online.

These last few months have been different..a new experience with all the good and bad that comes with that. I'm living and learning ;)
I came here because Oslo was making me restless. I thought Sydney would give me peace in mind at least for a little while. Settling in took me longer that I expected..I still have days where I feel like a jet lagged soul.
Most of the time I'm fine and happy, with both feet on the sand, relaxed. Other days I'm restless again..what next? Something is staring me in the face but I cant make out what it is.

I'm learning not to worry so much..because like a wise person keeps telling me, "it's going to give you wrinkles.." and who wants that..

2010 is just a few days away:

- save money
- surf
- plan a trip
- keep writing
- keep dancing
- worry less
- Byron Bay Blues fest(yaaaay :) !!!)

" Memory is the diary we carry inside of us, it's the way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are and the things you never want to loose...You might not remember days..But you can always remember the moments.."