Sunday, March 27, 2011

Home is where the heart is set free

Sometimes you find yourself in a place you don't want to be
Sometimes you find yourself doing what you don't want to do
Sometimes you find yourself being someone you don't want to be

Looking in the mirror
Where to go, what to do, who to be

Then you wake up realising why you are here
Then you wake up realising why you have to hang in there for while
Then you wake up realising it's all a part of being you

Looking in the mirror
This is me, doing what I have to do to get where I want to be

I'm not going to get there tomorrow so I better make the road beautiful

"Whatever keeps your soul on fire,
helps keep you heart at ease" - Loving Home

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Words of Wisdom

"Maybe home doesn't have to be a place you go to each night, can just be a state of mind, it can be the way you feel and the way you're subconsciously and consciously comfortable.." Kim Churchill

Kim Churchill - Loving Home

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

fotos in NOOSA - fin

It's a sunny day, slept in, cup of tea and an email with new fotos from fin in my inbox.
It's going to be a good day :) He makes me want to go walkabout with my camera..and he makes me want to sit still on the beach. Subscribe for your free shot of happiness.

fotos in NOOSA

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Friday, March 11, 2011

Facebook birthdays

Yesterday my facebook wall was full of birthday wishes, both from people I haven't seen in years (and to be honest probably won't see in years) and from my closest friends. I loved it :)

They way I see it you can look at this scenario from two perspectives;

1. It's facebook..your birthday shows up in the right corner on the home page of all of your 500 "friends".
90 % av the people that wrote on your wall would never have remembered your birthday. (In fact probably 99 %..let's face it, most of us suck at remembering dates, no matter how important they may be)
Soo..since they only remember because the are logged on to facebook it doesnt really mean anything, since it's just a "facebook thing".

2. Yes, the date does show on all of your 500 "friends" home page. But not all 500 notice it, some people just don't pay attention to birthdays. So out of 500 maybe 300 notice that it's your birthday..out of those quite a few will go "ah well..its always someones birthday". So maybe 150 actually take the 60 seconds it takes (if that) to post a little birthday message on your page. Some do it because you are close friends (they are also expected to send a text..) but some do it because they noticed that it's your birthday, they haven't seen you in a while (maybe never will again) but think you are a nice person and therefor want to give you that one-line-60-second attention.

Me personally, I used to be the number 1....maybe I'm getting old and sentimental but I reckon option 2 is pretty cool :) Everyone that posted on my wall made the choice to do so, and for that I'm grateful. If you put a smile on someone elses face it doesn't matter how big of an effort it was..the effort was made.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Note to self...get this movie. When the trailer makes you laugh, it's gotta be good.

One of the smartest people I know said..

"Only you will understand what u really want and feel, thats why this time is good, find yourself,be who you want to be, and only then,when your happy with who you are you can be with someone else."
© Anton Corbijn, Gary Lucas, 1990

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The coldest day in Oslo, one of those days when the ice cold wind just cuts to your bones and once you get inside it takes forever to warm up.
Building up the courage to go back out there. First a little big beautiful song off the Skins soundtrack.

Monday, March 7, 2011

It's a new Day it's a new Life

Sometimes I wish I could press the pause button..just to make sure I felt it all, saw it all and learnt what I was supposed to learn from those moments in life that pass you by without you even noticing..

If I ever have the guts to do what these guys do I will die a happy person. I am broke..and working on the stoked part.