Friday, February 10, 2012

Back in business

So it's been 7 months since my last wonder my head is spinning.

About a month ago I created a new blog, at Wordpress. com with the idea to start over again. It was going to be the coolest blog ever. Honestly. I set it up but didn't post anything. Waiting for the flow of creativity to hit. It never did. Realised I didn't like Wordpress very much (it's wonderful to be able to blame lack of creative writing on a blogging  software..). So I had a good look in the mirror ( I didn't really, our bathroom mirror is tiny, but after todays successful garage sale hunting I am the proud owner of a full length mirror. Haven't seen my behind for months..) and decided it was time to stop my habit of always starting over and instead continue what I have started. So here I am, In between dreams, a few alterations and a splash of new energy :)

I might be broke, but I live in paradise.