Sunday, June 19, 2011

The art of relaxing

Relaxing is big business. Apparently relaxing is quite need relaxation teas, relaxation music, relaxation courses, relaxation retreats, relaxation books, relaxation exercises. Which of course makes relaxing quite an expensive activity that needs to be planned well ahead. Turns out planning to relax can be quite stressful as you might need to save your cash, not to mention make time in your busy schedule. We all know lying down on your on couch just isn’t going to cut it...we are constantly fed information like “ you deserve better”, we need to “feed our mind and body” to be able to “free ourselves from negative energy”. Only then can we achieve “true happiness” and “inner peace”.
Those of us growing up to the knowledge that money wont buy you happiness seem to have been fooled big time. We DO need to go to that relaxation retreat, do that relaxation course, drink that relaxation tea while listening to that relaxation CD followed by a massage with relaxation oils...all of which can be purchased as part of a “do it yourself” package at the end of the stay at the special introductory offer of only $ 299..

What happened to lying down (or sitting down for that matter) and doing fuck all for an hour? To do absolutely nothing, with no one or nothing to distract you...

God forbid you got stuck with nothing but your own thoughts for a little while.