Tuesday, August 4, 2009

short of days

It's 6 days left and I've officially started packing..again I own more stuff that I thought. 6-7 boxes..that might not sound like a lot to some people, but this is the girl who can't even buy a plant without feeling stressed...as long as I have all my old photo albums, yearbooks and other fun stuff I'm good...everything else is replaceable.

My problem is and always has been this...I think I have plenty of time to organise and do everything I have to..say goodbye, make everyone happy, pack my bags and get on the plane without any stress.....never happens!! And I never learn...I've been counting days and people I'm supposed to meet..and stuff I have to organise before I leave...it doesn't ad up..I'm short of days..I want to leave happy with everyone else being happy too...is it doable?

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