I've been a busy little lady the last few weeks..3 to be exact.
Too busy living it to be spending any time writing about it.
So to keep it short:
- First few hours in Sydney - pub crawl (next day = hang over AND jet lagged..(yeah, not the best)
- First job in Kings Cross - not so much..don't samba if it doesn't make you smile
- Few days later new job - loving it! :) Now we're talking!
- Being homeless for 3 weeks..everyone should try this at least once..man have I learned to appreciate having your own bed..beats a couch any day I'll tell you that. Thank God for that couch though (God being Knut, Tam, Espen and Marita)
- This weekend - moving to Bondi Beach...yaay :)
- Sydney ..gotta love it <3
Hei Camilla! Håper du har kommet deg vel frem og trives! Skulle gjerne vært tilbake, men BA er ikke helt dumt det heller. Kos deg!