Sunday, May 24, 2009

True to myself

Yet another good weekend has passed...Anna visited from Bergen, she makes the world beautiful :) Yet another Sunday stuffing myself with anything eatable..and being happy doing nothing.

Well here goes..before new years I will have done the following:

- got a job in Sydney (quite essential...asap)
- got a place to live (also quite essential...also asap)
- Signed up (and completed) a Salsa/Latin course
- Started painting again
- Read a whole bunch of books (must make books-to-read-list)
- Saved a bit of money ( I could say a lot, but let's be realistic)
- Laughed a lot
- Cried some
- Planned my next travel adventure (half the fun is planning) be continued..

"day in day out I've asked many questions I say

only to find the truth it never changes I say

if you don't deal with it it keeps killing you a little by little I say

call me selfish if you will my life I alone can live I say I say I"

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